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MIDI Forum

Joined: Jan 16, 2016
Last seen: Feb 21, 2025
Topics: 0 / Replies: 228

Er! A bit slow off the mark aren't you? Those have been available since at least April 2021, some from February 2020. Nothing new, that I can see, s...

3 years ago

It's very strange, I've just noticed that Craig Anderton is no longer listed as the MMA President. Athan Billias of Yamaha is now listed with that ti...

3 years ago

One program use, an old one by Yamaha, has the following dynamics embedded within it: 1-15 ppp N.B. not zero, a value of zero is a note off in MIDI...

3 years ago

Bach used it with his name ... seems strange doesn't it because there's no H in music notation? Well, not in English anyway, but there is an H in Ger...

3 years ago

CC7 and 11 will (should) give the same resultant volume, but an expression pedal is something that the player uses, the channel volume can be thought ...

3 years ago

The "normal" way of providing fade-outs in most SMF's I've seen is by graducally lowering the value of CC#7, channel volume. Actually it makes more s...

3 years ago

No, you can have all the key signatures available, both Major and minor. There follows an example from XGworks. So the first field goes from...

3 years ago

Trouble with the SoS article you refer to Geoff, is that it tells one almost nothing about the group of synth sounds Marie is asking about, much like ...

3 years ago

An interesting question. The GM standards document has this to say: GM Sound Definitions General MIDI does not recommend any particular method ...

3 years ago

Here is the advertising at the top Kenton Thru 12 page on the web (kentonuk.com/product/thru-12/) "MIDI Thru boxes take the signal coming from a si...

3 years ago

The latest version of the Complete MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification, as stored here for download in the Specs section of the MMA web site is the Third ...

3 years ago

Max, A Tempo Map is not an entity on its own, it's a series of Meta Events each at a particular Delta Time that define the tempo at a particular poin...

3 years ago

Just to clarify the use of channel 10 for rhythm, or not, in the various specifications. The General MIDI specification, i.e. version 1, says the f...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=14711]I have looked at the list of names of another model but the same brand and they also change, which makes these MSB numbers complet...

3 years ago

What you get, Carlos, will depend entirely on the device and how, or even whether, it interprets or ignores the GM On. My old Cheetah MS6 , which i...

3 years ago
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