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MIDI Forum

Estimable Member
Joined: May 26, 2016
Last seen: Aug 19, 2024
Topics: 23 / Replies: 59
RE: Concerns for proposed container file ZIP format

Attached a proposal for binary file format. As you see this can be very simple.  MIDI-2.0-Container-File-Binary-Format-Specification-draft-1.pd...

4 months ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1866

Some UARTs need Pull ups on the RX/TX. When lines are floating at startup you get garbage.

1 year ago

Why not use RTP or IP MIDI via WIFI , just need a cheap WIFI router. For BT, you probably need something in between that acts as BT device and host,...

1 year ago

Would just invest in a good quality multi port self powered USB 2.0 Hub to add MIDI gear.. Those hubs of 7 ~12 ports might be suitable. and then conn...

1 year ago

Thank you for the change "NOOP message to restart the delta time count" "The Clip Configuration Header shall not include more than one Set Tempo m...

1 year ago

[1] The unique Id in MIDI-CI, a MUID, is intended to be unique within a typical user's MIDI setup. Understand. But why would the option to use a st...

1 year ago

[20] Giel's example raises another question , Is it allowed to have multiple configuration headers in a clip file ? The MIDI spec talks about "a confi...

1 year ago

It is hard to answer your question without much details. w 1. what is your setup. how are things connected ? 2. What pedal have you connected ? ...

1 year ago
1 year ago
Replies: 1
Views: 3133

Thank you for reply. wish to join, but unless I have a product ready to enter the market (*) that should provide ROI, it is a bit hard to justify su...

1 year ago
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