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MIDI Forum

Active Member
Joined: Jul 30, 2019
Topics: 1 / Replies: 7

Hi Kevin, Sorry for the confusion. To be clear, i am not wanting to send program changes through the expression pedal inputs of the MC6. Nor do i ...

5 years ago

Thank you, Kevin! I keep forgetting to make sure I relook at this thread- sorry for my delayed reply. I great appreciate all your wonderful comments...

5 years ago

Thanks, Kevin! Midi Hand controller > "sends the Control Change (CC) messages that the MC6 wants" > MC6 controller > "sends the Program Change Me...

5 years ago

OMG, Kevin. Now you really have my head spinning. And nearly off my neck;) I don't know if I can immediately reply to your comments other than try ...

5 years ago

Thanks again, Kevin! Sorry to confuse the scenarios! I cannot use MidiOX since I am not wanting to use a computer in order to make the midi-hand cont...

5 years ago

Wow, Kevin. Thank you for your continuing excellent input, and thanks for reviewing. I think there can be two modes for the midi-hand controller- wi...

5 years ago

Hi Kevin, Thank you for your kind reply. Sorry for late reply. Does this forum have a setting so I can get email alert when someone replies? ...

5 years ago