Music Tectonics features MIDI Association companies at Creators Fair

Everything Music Tectonics does explores the seismic shifts that shake up music and technology the way the earth’s tectonic plates cause quakes and make mountains.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
On October, 23, 2024, Rock , Paper, Scissors hosted a creators fair at the at the Annenberg Beach House in Santa Monica. Rock, Paper, Scissors has been working with The MIDI Association for the last few years and at NAMM 2024 hosted an innovation meetup at The MIDI Association booth.
There were a lot MIDI Association companies at the Creators Fair event.

We also got to connect with a whole bunch of students from the Riverside City College Music Industry Club including club president Harley Glenn. Professor Jenny Amaya provides tons of students ( last year we had 60!) to help with our MIDI Association NAMM booth. One of the outcomes of yesterday was getting artiphon, Audio Modeling, Caedence, Geoshred and Robkoo to provide gear for the RCC Music Industry Club so they can start rehearsing for an all MIDI band performance at NAMM.

The purpose of this organization shall be to offer its members the opportunity to gain knowledge, insights, experience, and artistic development in the music industry and community.
Riverside City College
Roland had a booth showing off their newest samplers and had a Roland Showcase – Sampling Techniques with Jay Ybarra ft. the P-6 & the SP-404MKII.

We were just in Shanghai with Buchla artist TamiX and then got to to meet up with Peter Nyboer from Buchla at the Creators Fair.

MIDI Innovation Award entrants, BlipBox was there.

Adam McHeffy from Artiphon did a presentation on the new Orba 3.

Adam also did an interview with Seids, who works with a lot of MIDI Association companies including Apple Logic and Focusrite.

Dawn Audio
Diego Pinzon, from Dawn Audio was there and we also got a chance to meet co-founder, Mandy Ortiz. We spend a lot of time catching up on the DAW working group activities and the MIDI In Music Education Initiative.

Eternal Research
Another MIDI Association member and Innovation Awards entrant Eternal Research was displaying their Demon Box at the Creator Fair.
Demon Box Demo at Music Techtonics 2024
Art and Logic and Whirled Notes
We also got to catch up with MIDI Association members Andrew Sherbrooke from Art and Logic and Scott Barkley from Whirled Notes.

Crazy Pants, MIDI Hoodie and MIDI Hat
At the very end of the event, we ran into the organizer, Dmitri Vietz from Rock, Paper Scissors and one of the artist who gave a talk at the event, Ricky Tinez. Ricky was wearing his MIDI hoodie from his website.

Already looking forward to next year’s Music Tectonics
This was a really well produced event with tons of great content, lots of music tech start ups and of course a lot of creators who love MIDI.
We are planning on an event with Rock, Paper, Scissors at NAMM 2025 as they are in The MIDI Showcase.
We have even started planning for next year’s Music Tectonics event because it was such a great event in a stunning location.