Music Tectonics Conference

Music Tectonics Conference
October 22-24, 2024
Los Angeles, CA
Our friends at Rock , Paper, Scissors have announce that Tickets are on sale for the 2024 Music Tectonics conference! Music Innovators meet at Music Tectonics to connect and share ideas about the seismic shifts in technology that continue to rock the music business.
The 2024 Conference takes place October 22-24!
Mark Mulligan and Tatiana Cirisano of MIDiA Research return with a keynote debate packed with data and insights on the future of music! See the growing speaker roster for more.
Join the music innovators in Santa Monica, California in the beautiful beachside places people loved in 2023, including the Santa Monica Pier Carousel and the Annenberg Beach House!
The Music Tectonics conference is focused on startup companies looking to pitch their ideas to investors and tickets are limited (there are only 67 left). Tickets are $350 until October 8th and then go up to $499.
However if you are a musician or creator who wants to check out Music Tectonics, start with the new Music Tectonics Creator Fair, a parallel event on October 23. There are tickets available between now and October 8th for $25 that go up to $100 on that date.

NEW FOR 2024: Music Tectonics Creator Fair!
The Music Tectonics Creator Fair invites musical creators of all stripes to:
Play some of the coolest new musical instruments like the Orba, Chorda, Demon Box, BlipBlox, MyTracks, and the latest inventions from AlphaTheta and Roland.
Watch instrument showcases on stage to get performance tips
Hear from music influencers like SEIDS on how they craft their career with social videos
Meet brands including Roland, AlphaTheta (with Pioneer DJ), Artiphon, BandLab, BlipBlox, Eternal Research, and more
Be the first to try out their products including Feeture, Music.AI, Find Your Friends, WalkThruMusic, Beatoven, and more
Connect with other artists and video creators!
The Creator Fair happens parallel with the 6th Annual Music Tectonics Conference beachside and poolside in beautiful Santa Monica!
All of this for $100!
Pre-registration required! Discounts available for educational organizations and groups
Get in for $25 if you buy by Oct 8!
See all the options by clicking on the link below.