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Moforte Announces GeoSWAM II

MIDI Association member Moforte announced Geoswam II created in collaboration with MIDI Association member Audio Modeling

GeoSWAM II, beautifully inspired physically modeled instruments including GeoTrumpet, GeoBassTrombone, GeoBassFlute, GeoViola and GeoPizzBass, all powered by Audio Modeling’s SWAM technology. The GeoSWAM II instruments are awesome to play from GeoShred’s isomorphic keyboard, and you can also play them from other expressive MPE /MPE controllers like the LinnStrument, Roli Seaboard or Sensel Morph. 

by Moforte

GeoSWAM II Introduction

Rather than reading a bunch of words, we thought it was better to just provide the Youtube videos of Jordan Rudess and others demonstrating the sounds of GeoSWAM II’s newest modeled instruments from Audio Modeling. 

GeoShred Trumpet

For more  information, download the Geoshred brochure by clicking on the image below.