midiBeam 4Control USB Interface & MIDI Expression/Footswitch Controller
Categories: Commercial Hardware Products
Submitted By: Panda-Audio Ltd.
Elevator Pitch

midiBeam 4Control USB Interface & MIDI Expression/Footswitch Controller
Product Description
midiBeam 4Control USB Interface & MIDI Expression/Footswitch Controller
The 4Control configures itself into Standalone Mode if it is powered from a mains adapter; alternatively, it configures itself into Interface Mode if it is powered from a computer. If it is in Interface Mode, you can change it to Standalone Mode with a press of a button.
Standalone Mode:
In this mode, messages from any connected pedals or switches will be passed to the DIN
MIDI OUT. Likewise, messages from any connected instrument(s) coming in via the DIN
MIDI IN will be passed to the DIN MIDI OUT.
This mode can be used to add a MIDI controller to any MIDI instrument, such as a keyboard
which lacks its own modulation and pitch bend wheels.
Interface Mode:
In this mode, 4Control functions as a class-compliant USB-to-MIDI interface, while
additionally serving the two Jacks.
Messages from the computer’s USB MIDI OUT will be passed to the midiBeam 4Control’s
DIN MIDI OUT. Messages from your instrument(s) connected to the midiBeam 4Control’s
DIN MIDI IN will be sent to the computer’s USB MIDI IN.
Furthermore, messages from any expression pedals and switches connected to midiBeam
4Control’s two Jack sockets will also be sent to the computer’s USB MIDI IN.
The 4Control must be configured with the free available PC or MAC editor. Once set up with the editor, settings are stored permanently.
The Global Tab of the editor allows to select the functionality of the two jacks separately. You can select if a jack will be used for an expression pedal, or for 1 or 2 footswitches. Furthermore, if expression pedal is selected, then the polarity of the jack can be decided, as unfortunately expression pedals of different manufacturers use different polarities.
The Jack1/2 Pedal Tab allows the selection of a MIDI Channel and a Mode for the expression pedal. The Mode can be Controller, Aftertouch, and Pitch Bend. The CC number can be selected, and a Minimum and Maximum value can be set for the two end positions of the pedal. Also, on this page the used MIDI range (0…127) can be calibrated to the actual voltage range coming out from the pedal.
The Jack 1/2 Switch Tab page can be used to set up 4Control for switch pedals. Two switches, A and B can be connected to the Tip and Ring of the jack. Each can be assigned to a separate MIDI channel, and several parameters assigned to the switches can be edited.
A switch can be set to Momentary or Latching Operation. In Momentary Operation it is sending one MIDI value when it is pressed, and another one when it is released. In Latching Operation it alternates between two values on subsequent presses.
Each switch can be set to one of the following Modes:
Control (0…127);
Note On / Note Off;
Start / Stop;
Program Change;
Special Control (alternating between two user defined values);
Pedal (controlling the CC number sent from the pedal connected to the other jack);
How It’s Innovative
1. Very flexible assignment possibilities in the editor;
2. Unique application when switch pedal determines the functionality of the expression pedal
Most Inspiring Use Cases
In the London theatre production “Ocean At The End Of The Lane” there is a 4 meter high, huge scary spider-like puppet with 5 legs. With membrane switch keypad contacts under each foot the sensors were connected to a midiBeam 4Control interface box, and the MIDI signals were transmitted by midiBeam V2 Wireless to the off-stage technicians. Every step of the giant generated a unique bomb-like sound.
Expansion Plans
A board with four potentiometers, hiding two 4Controls in order to provide a device for live control of MIDI parameters.
Users of the Future Impact bass synthesizer can exploit the advantages of midiBeam 4Control, using it to connect a Program Down pedal, a Sustain pedal, a VCF modulation expression pedal, or a remote control for any arbitrary MIDI function.