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Midi user could use very soon a new notation musical language using text file (or word .doc file)to edit the musical notation.)

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Jean Letendre
Posts: 1
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Midi user file could use very soon with my autorisation a new notation language using text file (or word .doc file)to edit the musical notation and save it later after editing.The new language is call PianoAlphabet07 and an International request Patent has been request in december 2012 by me Jean Letendre (Canada) the patent name is PianoAlphabet07 a Canadien patent request has been made in june 2016.I am looking for partner to develop a midi converter software from the established PianoALphabet07 alphanumeric code.People or compagny interested in that project call me (819-850-6923)or write me at academie@pianoalphabet07.mu
I have few experience with Midi file but I work as a programmer specialist with fortran an microprocessor.You can see in French a video of 30 minutes explaning the code on youtube request pianoalphabet07 or JEan Letendre electronic technicien musician of piano for 50 years.

Posted : 08/09/2016 8:37 am
Clemens Ladisch
Posts: 326

The first claim of your WIPO application states:

lm procédé méthode ou code de langage musical révolutionnaire et méthode d'enseignement musicale d'une simplicité pour un enfant étant une alternative d'utilisation sérieuse comme notation musical à ce qui existe présentement , appelé par son inventeur PianoAjphabet07'.

The idea of creating a new language is not patentable. (And so far, all that happened to this application were rejections by the German and European patent offices.)

Your Canadian application has not been published, but if its most basic claim does not describe something new in detail, it will not be valid either. (Like your earlier application, which is dead.)

Posted : 09/09/2016 12:01 am
Paul Nash
Posts: 3
Active Member

Fort intéressant -- est-ce que cette notation offrait une gamme de velocité plus large que MIDI (c.a.d. 1-128), ce qui serait fort utile?
Bonne chance

Posted : 20/01/2017 6:05 am