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The bpm matches the main traktor pro 3, but doesn't exactly match the beat of the Drumdrute as a slave

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I need some advice on sync in traktor pro 3. I use a controller but I only have a s2mk1 which doesn't have midi so I use an external sound card audio 8 dj which has midi. My problem is that I want to use the Arturia drumbrut Impact for my live performances. If I want to use arturia sync via usb or midi, it doesn't matter at all, because in both cases, even if the speed of drums in the drumrute bpm corresponds to the master in the traktor software, the drumbrute does not show a stable speed on its display, but it is constantly changing, which I don't know , if it is correct. the main problem is that when I start any track, the arturia never fits the beat exactly, I always have to slightly manually adjust the played track with the S2. As I mentioned above, the speed on the drumbrute matches even if I change the speed to trakor, the arturia plays the same speed. So if I adjust that track to fit my beat exactly, then I select the track as master so that it is aligned in the program, and then I select the program as master, then everything fits until I start another track as a slave that fits my beat, but as he finishes playing the previous one, then he starts kicking slightly to the same position as the previous one and again I have to manually adjust so that the kicking of the beat is not noticeable. The bpm matches the main tractor for 3, but doesn't exactly match the Drumdrute beat as a slave. I want to rule out if the problem could be that there is one usb port on the laptop, maybe usb 3 and one 2. Could this have an effect? of course i don't use audio 8 dj or drumbrute via hub. I'm lost, I don't know how to proceed.. I'm asking you for professional advice, because after half a year of trying all options, I'm lost

Posted : 28/04/2023 9:38 am