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Midi note length.

5 Posts
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Posts: 207
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It is easy to divide up a bar into some measure within tempo, but i wonder is there any rule for how long for example 1/4 midi note should be in that bar?
Should it take 1/4 th of the full note space/length or have some margin, if so what percentage to use?

If there is such a margin for any note length so they do not cludge? together.

Posted : 19/11/2021 3:25 pm
Posts: 207
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I do not intend to make sheet music "right now" but more some trigger drum machine like thingy where note lengths can be set. (And of course to the variable value you want) but it seem a quarter note in music really not a quarter note of length?

Posted : 19/11/2021 3:33 pm
Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
Posts: 154
Estimable Member

For drum synthesizer sounds, the note length is usually irrelevant. It is a rare case where the player may omit the Note OFF events (depending on the synth). For melodic synthesized sounds, you need to apply the musical articulation rules. When playing legato you need to match the end time of one note with the start time of the next. When playing staccato the effective length of the note is a fraction of its nominal length.

See also this old discussion about playing legato with Fluidsynth:

Posted : 20/11/2021 1:40 am
Posts: 207
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Thank you Felipe! that seem very doable using a dropdown and some fractions of legato for the modes.

Posted : 20/11/2021 1:44 pm
Posts: 207
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If anyone want to suggest the fractions of legato to use, it would even be easier "and probably more correct" for the modes.

Posted : 20/11/2021 1:45 pm