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SysEX - can anyone ...
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SysEX - can anyone recommend a concise introduction, please ?

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Ian Graham
Posts: 11
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Topic starter

What it says on the tin, basically. I've been using MIDI for over ten years, and only now feel pushed to go right into SysEx. For something obviously so critical and precise, I'm finding it hard to find a good introduction.

The slightly fuller background is that I use the Ketron SD2, and I am interested in 'layering' patches to create complex sounds which are responsive to careful use of touch on a touch-sensitive keyboard. 'Attack' and 'Rise' are particularly useful in this, since they allow a time dimension.

The software I have long preferred to control direct-play has a number of 'sliders' to control the various common effects. Several of these - volume, modulation, chorus, reverb, for example - do produce marked responses from the SD2. Those for Attack and Rise do not. I suspect there may be no effect at all - hence my interest in using sysex direct to try to achieve an effect.

Ian Graham
Wales UK

Posted : 08/07/2019 2:07 am
Eddie Lotter
Posts: 295
Reputable Member

Have a look at my tutorial on Roland System Exlcusive Messages. It will give you a feel for how SysEx can be used to change settings in a MIDI device.

Posted : 08/07/2019 7:36 am
Ian Graham
Posts: 11
Active Member
Topic starter

Thank you - I'll take a look. Sorry for the delayed acknowledgement - I was confused by the distinction between 'Comments' (kept seeing there were 'none yet') and 'responses'

Ian G.:D

Posted : 09/07/2019 12:43 am
Eddie Lotter
Posts: 295
Reputable Member

I had a brief look at the SD2 manual. It doesn't use a checksum in the SysEx messages, so they're easier to create than Roland SysEx messages.
Did you manage to achieve the effect you were looking for?

Posted : 15/07/2019 1:13 pm