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(Old Post - Jan 2020) Intermittent MIDI output from Yamaha CLP-220

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I have a Yamaha CLP-220 connected to my laptop (i7, SSD, Windows 10) with a USB MIDI interface. Using BandLab (or MuseScore, or MIDI-OX), only every 10th or so note that I play is recognised on the MIDI channel. It's like there is a 5 second delay from hitting a note to the next one being "transmitted", if that's the correct term, during which no other keys are detected. I tried a MIDI test app on my Android phone, and another USB MIDI cable, and see exactly the same behaviour. I have a MacBook with Garage Band and again, see exactly the same behaviour.

Here are the MIDI interfaces that I've tried:


I'm very new to this form of capture, and may be naive in expecting to be able to plug the cable in and start capturing my playing. Is there something more to this that I'm missing? Or do I have a dodgy cable / laptop / piano / software / drivers?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Posted : 02/01/2020 4:36 am
Clemens Ladisch
Posts: 327

If you press and release a key five seconds apart, does it work?

If you connect the CLP's MIDI OUT to IN with a plain MIDI cable and disable "local control", does it work?

Posted : 02/01/2020 8:18 am
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Hi! Thanks for the reply!

Yes, if I press a key, hold it and release after 5 seconds, I get a "Note Down" and a "Note Up" for that note.

I don't have a MIDI to MIDI cable, but will aquire one and try that. Good test, I never thought of that!

Posted : 02/01/2020 11:47 am
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Hi Clemens. So, I bought a cheap MIDI cable, connected it to the piano, went into local mode and its works perfectly.

Does that suggest that both my USB interfaces are faulty, do you think?

Posted : 06/01/2020 10:57 am
Clemens Ladisch
Posts: 327

It indeed appears that both "DigitalLife" adapters have the same problem, i.e., they are broken by design.
You could ask the "12 months Worry-free Tech support" if those devices are really compliant with the MIDI Electrical Specification, but I guess the only solution is to try a well-known brand, or at least a seller that isn't located in China.

Posted : 07/01/2020 1:18 am
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Thanks you ever so much again for taking the time to reply, very much appreciated.

Agreed, looks like I gambled and lost, seeking a cheap alternative to the branded MIDI USB interfaces!

Posted : 10/01/2020 1:35 am
Posts: 2
New Member

My Yamaha CLP-220 has a MIDI connection on the back. When I first received it, I was able to connect it via MIDI to a computer for use with MuseScore. Now, however, when I turn the keyboard on and start playing, no MIDI signal is transmitted. The CLP-220 has a "MIDI indicator" light that flashes when you turn on the keyboard and press the keys. When connected to the computer via USB, this light flashes for a moment but then goes out; when connected to the computer via MIDI-to-USB cable, there is no flash.

The CLP-220 has a "Local Control" option under "MIDI" in its menu that allows you to enable/disable local control (i.e. whether or not it produces sound itself when you press keys). This option was initially disabled but I have since enabled it. www.imybkexperience.com www.mykfc-experience.com www.mybpcreditcard.one

Posted : 09/02/2022 7:32 am