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midi notes play one...
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midi notes play one half step sharp

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My midi controller, a three year old AKAI MPK249, plays notes a half step higher than the key I press. That is to say when I press the "C" note a C# plays into my headphones and onto my project, however the correct notes show on the "piano roll" editor. It does this on all notes on the controller. I have tried the factory reset and been all over google seeking advice on how to fix this issue. Pitch and mod wheels are at zero and taped so they cannot move, the transpose feature is at zero..the keys and unit are very clean, it is always covered when not in use, of course I have disconnected it and re-started it several times.. it happens in different DAWs I have experimented with... I am about to go crazy? Does anybody have any ideas what the problem could be? Thanks in advance!

Posted : 27/12/2020 1:06 pm
Eddie Lotter
Posts: 295

the transpose feature is at zero

If you transpose down a half step, does it correct what you hear?

Posted : 27/12/2020 2:55 pm
Posts: 1052
Noble Member

This is nothing to do with MIDI. As you point out, the piano roll shows the correct note #. MIDI is sending the correct note. The device that is playing the note must have some sort of transpose set, that is lifting the note received to the note actually played.

You don't say what device is actually 'playing' the sounds, i.e. receiving the midi note numbers and interpreting them. I'd suspect that the problem is there, as everything that sends MIDI seems to do the same thing, as I read your message.

Maybe something at some time recently has sent a SYSEX transpose instruction, or there is some sort of control on the device that has been changed. You don't say what the receiving/playing device is, so I cannot suggest much more.


Posted : 27/12/2020 2:59 pm
Posts: 1052
Noble Member

Just to clarify, are you actually using the AKAI as a 'midi controller'? This usually means that this device is NOT actually making the noises, it is merely generating the midi data and something else is making the noises, for example a tone module, or another keyboard, or a virtual synth linked to the DAW.

The situation you describe points to a transpose problem. But maybe NOT on the AKAI?

Also, you don't say, but WAS the setup working correctly previously, and then stopped working correctly? Was anything changed/added at that time?


Posted : 27/12/2020 4:42 pm