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Is there a way I co...
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Is there a way I could paste a whole measure of midi notes with one midi note?

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Hello, I have a midi keyboard; but there are very complicated phrases I can write - but I can't play them. Is there a way I could paste a whole measure of midi notes with one midi note? I would like to write them and put them in a list. I would like to assign a midi note to each phrase in the list. Therefore, while I am recording to a midi track, I can record a whole measure of music with one midi note. I don't want a midi track that just has whole notes in it. But I want all the complicated midi info pasted in so I can edit it when the chord changes.
Thank you,
Terry Maloney
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Posted : 05/10/2019 9:28 pm
Posts: 1050
Noble Member


It's unlikely there will be any way that you can do this with the keyboard, although as you don't say what keyboard it it, I cannot be certain.

There is more likely to be something you can do with the DAW (or whichever piece of software you're using to 'record' the notes you're playing, and you might look into this. Again, you don't say what the software is, so I cannot immed advise further, but the various systems you might be using will have differences in just what they allow.

If the software does not normally allow exactly what you want, you may be able to create a separate bar with the notes you want, prob using step input, and then paste that in manually. Otherwise, there may be pieces of software that would allow you to edit a saved midi file and add bars in, to replace existing bars with maybe one 'dummy' note in. I could certainly do this using programming (coding) or text editing (converting a midi file to editable text, modifing the file, and then converting back to midi) but these methods might not be suitable for you depending on your OS.


Posted : 06/10/2019 4:47 am
Posts: 3
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Hello, 😀
My music software is Digital Performer 10. I have some P I Engineering Control boxes which use “ControllerMate” Software.
I also use the Keyboard Maestro shortcut program.

I can export my written midi. The name looks like: MIDI-1.dptrackclip. (clippings). I have a folder on my desktop.

I can drag a clip from that folder (finder) into Digital Performer’s track window.
I would like to set up a hardware device which has one button for each export file in the folder.
I have to drag the file to the DP tracks window. Copy and paste will not work. Copy and paste used to work…….
Thanks for your help.

Posted : 06/10/2019 9:55 pm
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

So, you're using Digital Performer 10, which I know nothing about, although it looks like a pretty sophisticated system. I note from the info on the web that it seems focussed on creating 'clips'. I would suspect that the system CAN do pretty much what you want, once you work out how to do it.

I'd suggest that you need to explore the creating of 'clips' to play the pieces (bars) that are too complex to manage in real time, and then find how to insert those clips into the full performance when required. The software seems to be orientated to do that sort of thing.

Hopefully someone who knows more about DP-10 can help more directly.

You refer to the system NOT being able to cut-and-paste', but previously it was? What happened to cause this facility to stop working?


Posted : 07/10/2019 7:16 am
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I don't know......

Posted : 08/10/2019 12:14 am
Posts: 207
Reputable Member

I think it would be easy to assign a measure or group of measures to "computer keyboard keys", like the old memory banks on calculators.
But i am not familiar enough with any midi program to know if it is there.

But i do write a program, "i was more thinking in the line of creatinga a scroll down list, with named measures/group of measures", and a insert at bar input text "or time".
I guess today you should consider the midi program you use have "mark" "select" drag and drop. "copy paste"

I will not go for that to start with.


Posted : 09/10/2019 7:24 am