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Can anyone transcribe these instrumental songs into full MIDIs for me?

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I'm an amateur MIDI composer who's in desperate need of help for a fan-oriented music project. I want complete MIDI transcriptions for 3 songs from a Disney film, but I currently have neither the time nor the energy to make them myself. 🙁 If anyone wants to step in & make these MIDIs for me, that would be wonderful--& very much appreciated! 🙂 I've included links to folders on my Onedrive, each containing sheet music, chords, lyrics, & MP3s of each song & all of its instrumental components. 🙂 Thank you VERY much in advance for your help! ^_^

Posted : 17/04/2020 1:22 pm
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

I'm surprised no one has responded yet--I was so sure that I'd get a reply by now!

Posted : 19/04/2020 5:37 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

I am not sure what you are expecting. Here is a midi file created from one of the pictures of the sheet music you uploaded.

Posted : 24/04/2020 8:19 am
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

Hello Randall,

Thank you VERY much for that. I've heard mention of the possibility of creating a midi file from an image of a score, but I've always wondered just what sort of 'thing' would be produced. Now I've some idea!

I'd be interested to know what soft of options the process allowed? The file created is just one midi track, and seems to be one part only (as opposed to one track containing many parts as per a Type 0 midi file). Was that selected/specified, or was that all the web process did?

I always understood that soch a process would assign one instrument only, and that it would be Piano, so that was not a surprise.

The midi file plays OK, but musically it seems to be incomplete, with gaps. I'd assume that the music should be multi-part, and the gaps should be filled by notes on other parts (with other instruments?) and this would sound better, however the system you used may not be able to do this? Or were you using a 'demo' version.


I was not at all surprised that you didn't get any response to your original posting. You said nothing about exactly what you were asking for, in terms of the sophistication of the midi file, or what you wanted the file for, which would have major implications regarding any copyright problems aand on what detail to get into and the time/effort involved in sorting out each midi file and the COST of doing so. The file that Randall has kindly done, I assume as a test, has been done automatically using a software system on the web which can take an image and create a midi file, and it it subject to many limitations, as you will note. As you offered images of sheet music (I assume multi part), lyrics (why lyrics, you said it was 'instrumental' music, and midi doesn't normally cover lyrics), chords (which might be useful if using something like Band in a Box which can produce accompaniment from chord notations), MP3s (?) and 'instrumental components (???) it sounds you were hoping to get a fully professional/all-inclusive midi production. This would be a serious undertaking for each and every some, involving many hours of work for anyone trying to do it. What were you planning to do regarding the copyright position? Maybe you have agreed the project (in detail) with the copyright holder and have permission?


Posted : 24/04/2020 10:33 am