2015 China Web Audio/MIDI Application & Innovation Contest

August 2015 — This contest is a joint partnership between CMIA, MMA, Google, and AMEI, to sponsor the promotion of web based music and audio application development and innovations, by leveraging the latest development in web audio APIs and web MIDI APIs, to develop new products and services, and creating more business opportunities for the music industry.
1) The dates and arrangement of the contest:
- From now to Sept. 18th: Learning and application development trial runs – we have put together some self-learning guide and code labs (see below);
- Sept. 19th: Web audio and web MIDI application development hackathon;
- Oct. 5th: Contest submission and judging;
- Oct. 16th: Top winners of the app contest present their apps and demo them at the 2015 China Music Expo. Winners will receive the contest winning certificate and trophy, and a new MIDI device as the award.
2) Contest rules and selection criteria:
- All applications must use the web audio and/or web MIDI APIs;
- Application leverages MIDI hardware is highly desired;
- Application areas can be anything in music application (include installation art), education, games, entertainment, business applications, etc.
- Web based application must run inside Chrome;
- No 3rd party closed or proprietary technologies should be used;
3) Contest participation registration:
If you would like to participate the contest, please enter your information below to register:
More information about the contest and Hackathon will be sent to all who registered.
4) Learning resources for web audio and web MIDI application development:
1.As a collaboration between Yamaha and Google, there are two code labs for developers to use and to learn:
oWeb audio code lab (in Chinese): https://codelab.b0.upaiyun.com/webaudio/index.html?zh-cn (the original English codelab:https://webmusicdevelopers.appspot.com/codelabs/webaudio/index.html?en-us)
oWeb MIDI code lab (in Chinese): https://codelab.b0.upaiyun.com/x-webmidi/index.html?zh-cn (the original English codelab:https://webmusicdevelopers.appspot.com/codelabs/x-webmidi/index.html?en-us)
oApplication code for the Code Labs on Github: https://github.com/hanguokai/codelabs(the original English version: https://webmusicdevelopers.appspot.com/codelabs/x-webmidi/index.html?en-us)
oVarious articles, demo code samples, and references, from Google Developer Relations team:
2.Chris Wilson’s web audio API usage samples: http://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/
3.Eric Bidelman’s web audio article on HTML5Rocks (in Chinese):http://www.html5rocks.com/zh/tutorials/getusermedia/intro
4.Bill Luan’s web audio intro presentation deck at the 2014 China Music Expo:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7cCqqjbylzvSzhEUjdnZXNCVjQ/view?usp=sharing (at the end of the deck there are more demos and reference links)
5.Pages about MIDI on this website: products, tutorials.
5) Some selections of MIDI hardware for developers to consider:
- At the 9/16 hackathon, AMEI will bring some MIDI hardware for developers to use, including the keyboards on these pages:
- On Taobao, you can also purchase from these selection of MIDI equipment and MIDI controllers.