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The MIDI Association (TMA) is an all-volunteer, member driven global organization. Whether you are looking to find ideas for how to leverage MIDI technology to create your music, or sharing your latest creation, we have a place for you.

So what does it mean to be a member of the MIDI Association Community? Our mutual goal is to expand, promote, and protect MIDI technology for the benefit of artists and musicians around the world.

We get very smart people to volunteer their time to solve difficult problems and once we have found a solution, we give that solution away for free.

Nothing happens in The MIDI Association until people give their time and energy to make creating music and art with MIDI easier. There are number of ways you can particpate in the global MIDI community.

1. To get started, please register on the site to create your individual MIDI Association membership and tell us what you are interested in.

Registering as an individual member enables you to post on the MIDI forum, become an author and contribute articles to our blog, and participate in our special interest groups including MIDI In Music Education, Music Accessibility Standard, and Interactive Audio (Game Audio).

2. If you make MIDI products, you can join as a corporate member and volunteer on our technical workings groups and vote on new specifications. Coporate Membership also gives the ability to use the MIDI 2.0 logo on your MIDI 2.0 products that qualify.

For smaller developers and startups there is also the choice to purchase a non-voting SysEX ID membership that uniqely identifies your MIDI products and let’s you do all sorts of creative things with MIDI including MIDI 2.0.

So join the global community of MIDI creators and contribute whenever and whatever you can.