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MIDI Forum

Noble Member
Joined: Jul 29, 2017
Last seen: Jan 29, 2025
Topics: 8 / Replies: 1041

Bavi, Just for the record, the file that I downloaded and was commenting on has 15 tracks, BUT tracks 11 to 15 are in fact empty. They can be tre...

2 years ago

Hello, I've just gone to the website you indicate, and downloaded the .mid file. The file I got shows the size 52,461 bytes, and it is a .mid fi...

2 years ago

I do not KNOW if a 'splitter' will do the job, may just add a new set of complications to your setup. There are normal midi commands that should tu...

2 years ago

It could be a massive help if you said which device this is. Then maybe someone can check the manual (online) and find a way for you. The usual w...

2 years ago

The only thing I can suggest regarding the UNO is that one or more pieces of software (incl drivers) may not work as well under WinDoze 10 as they did...

2 years ago

Hello, Would using a powered USB hub not help? Regarding your problem posting, I've made a LOT of posts here, and had this problem a couple of t...

2 years ago

I note your 'Edit' and I suspect that you're correct. As far as I can tell, your device is is no way either an SC-55, or an MT-32, it's best descri...

2 years ago

OK - I have info regarding the MT-32 system, but no idea how this relates to your device (SAM2795 ?). The MT has 3 'banks, which are the two defaul...

2 years ago

Hello, I do not have an MT-32, but I do have, and use, a Roland LAPC-I card which is supposed to be a totally compatible version of the MT-32 but m...

2 years ago

Something happened here?? There was a message posted about using a Filter, but now it's gone! A filter may be helpful, although this is not an a...

2 years ago

So, is it Ch 3 that has the problem, and the other channels are OK? What instrument is on Ch 3? Does it do this when you use the DrumTraks, AND...

2 years ago

Jay, Please don't 'edit' all this into oblivion this time? I did a quick google. There is a message on a Reaper forum )I believe) from 2013. ...

2 years ago

This cannot be right. As in, something is happening that should NOT. There must be some setting somewhere, either with the MSQ700 or Reaper, that...

2 years ago

Hey, you never know! When BiaB (or similar) first appeared back around 1990, it seemed pretty remarkable what could be done using 'sort of' AI meth...

2 years ago

Sema, Just checked one of the STY files. I ran it rhough the DECODE prog that I use, and this processed the file without complaint. Saw it as a...

2 years ago
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