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MIDI Forum

Noble Member
Joined: Jul 29, 2017
Last seen: Dec 24, 2024
Topics: 8 / Replies: 1039

So, the Midi 2.0 Spec may include such a facility. Then manufacturers will need to implement this, so that devices will send something back. The...

4 years ago

I have never seen mention of such a command, and I'm not sure there is any point as it's such a trivial task to send midi data to set the channels of ...

4 years ago

Yes, it sounds like the plugin is causing the problem, but it's a rather serious problem to have missed being spotted by normal testing before release...

4 years ago

This sounds wierd, and totally useless. As you describe it. It sounds like a DUMP REQUEST. Such a SysEx instruction would normally include a mem...

4 years ago

Hello, Wow, yes, that's quite a lot extra, various tracks, various instruments. Much more lush sound, although maybe the original version you did...

4 years ago

I was playing the midi file via the SF system (SynthFont with the Timbres of Heaven SF data) I've now fired up the old setup with the DOS computer, ...

4 years ago

Maybe you need to be looking at the WayBack machine archives (via web.archive.org) - this system (I think there are others too) is constantly archivin...

4 years ago

Aha thanks - now you tell us. Yes, it may well be a spelling mistake, but it may be intentional, so do your searches for 'Sad Walts' and you may ge...

4 years ago

Extra info - the site you link to is discordapp - this is not really a 'free MIDI site', it's a sort of messageing system (sort of like twitter etc) s...

4 years ago

The quick answer is no. Basically, there isn't enough information to go on. I've just downloaded the file, and played it. Actually quite a swe...

4 years ago

You need to be clear what you're talking about here. As far as I know, midi files, and by implication midi data, don't know anything about the data...

4 years ago

Hello, The type of message you describe here is a SysEx (System Exclusive) message. Yes, it is a 'midi message', but it's a specific sub-section ...

4 years ago

What would be the point of having multiple channels in a single track? In most cases, you are limited to 16 channels, but most software offers many...

4 years ago

I'm not sure why you're using recursion, but recursion is where specific part of a program (i.e. a function or subroutine) calls itself maybe repeated...

4 years ago

First things first. Which MIDI to USB cable are you using? As has been mentioned on this forum, and elsewhere, on a number of occasions, there ar...

4 years ago
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