MIDI Association NAMM 2024 Booth Schedule

Four Days Showcasing MIDI
The MIDI Association booth (Booth 10302 at the front of Hall A) at Winter NAMM 2024 is very different than our booths in years past.
It is larger with a 30′ by 30′ footprint. A 10′ by 30′ area will be divided into thirds with displays of MIDI 2.0 products, a MIDI Showcase stage for presentations/performances and an area focused on our MIDI In Music Education, Music Accessibility Standard and Interactive Audio Special Interest Groups. But 75% of the booth is dedicated to 50 seats each with a set of wireless headphones so people can come and comfortably watch and listen to presentations and performances.
We also have Booth 10604 which is a 10′ by 10′ booth shared between Intuitive Instruments who won the Commercial Hardware category in The MIDI Innovation Awards in 2023 and the other MIDI Innovation Award winners
- Audio Modeling- Camelot Pro
- Hitar- augmented guitar for percussive fingerstyle
- Netz-an immersive mixed reality musical instrument
- Sound Sculpture-an interactive musical instrument comprised of 25 location-aware cubes
We are being helped again this year by Jennifer Amaya, Associate Professor of Music at the Riverside City College Coil School for the Arts and member of The MIDI In Music Education Special Interest Group.
We will have 70 students helping with all aspects of the booth including running the Yamaha TF3 digital mixer.
We have put together over 20 different presentations and performances highlighting the innovative power of creating music and art with MIDI.
Below is a listing of all the presentations we have planned. The list starts with a Youtube video summary of the each day’s events and then includes the details of each individual event.
Each day ends with a solo performance by one of the artists who performed in our MIDI@40 celebration at the April 2023 NAMM show on the Yamaha Grand Plaza stage.
Thursday, January 25
Friday, January 26
Saturday, January 27
Sunday, January 28
Full Four Day Schedule (3 minutes and 38 seconds)
MIDI Association Companies at NAMM
37 MIDI Association companies will have booths at the 2024 Winter NAMM show.
Many are in the MIDI showcase area, but there are plenty who are spread around the show in different areas including some of the larger companies like Avid, Steinway and Yamaha.
Here is an alphabetical list of The MIDI Association companies at the 2024 Winter NAMM show with their booth numbers.