Bandlab Breaks the Music Education MIDI Sound Barrier

Once upon a time, school students had to know how to play an instrument to make music or know enough theory to compose a song. We all gathered in the music room or auditorium of our brick-and mortar high schools to learn music and perform it.
The music education world has seen many changes since then; and recently all education has been drastically altered.Today’s high school music teachers are very fortunate to have our fingertips the cutting-edge, MIDI-driven BANDLAB for EDUCATION.We are not in-a-pickle, rushing to configure remote learning lessons.Why? Because this wonderful music production-education tool to benefits music educators to meet and exceed standards, and offer their students, public or private, and exciting music listing principles of discovery learning and much easier differentiated instruction.And it’s especially well designed for today’s critical distance learning needs due the national shut down of school from the virus pandemic.
Band Lab for Education can energize an entire band and orchestra or private studio program, opening up an new creative and performing possibilities in a collaborative learning environment. Students and technology are natural magnets and Band Lab for Education fits easily into that zone.Plus, it provides no fuss, low learning curve platform for the teacher.
The recognized potential of Band Lab for Education offers a dream tool for busy music educators to facilitate easy–to–create assignments, real-time independent student collaboration, quick grading and quality feedback without distracting admin tasks or security headaches since it’s entirely COPPA compliant.This is perfect for new remote-leaning and collaborative environments.Our students’ creative world will open up more than ever before now that Band Lab is used in over 180 schools in 40 countries with 12 million+ users worldwide
What also makes this such an attractive, magnetic teaching tool is the wide-ranging musical color palate students get to explore and create with. Think of all they can produce with the bass, brass, strings, piano, woodwind and guitar sounds, plus the creator kits, drum kits, percussion, synths, and special effects! While students can connect their own physical instruments, they don’t actually need them to get started. They can record into Band Lab for Educator’s mix editor and access 6000+ free loops ranging from pop, hip-hop, Latin, rock, EDM genres to Soundscape and Ambient collections
Experimentation is the watchword. Some music educators find it handy to use Band Lab for Education’s linked interfaces to help connect physical instruments into most any DAW, which can be very inexpensive.
Band Lab for Education is designed to make life easier for the teacher and a lot more fun and innovative for students.For this purpose their website is loaded with information and enticing features.
Perhaps the best news is Band Lab for Education is FREE and open for everyone. And, it operates from the Cloud so it is easily accessible.It’s available to all educators via a free subscription at Currently, it can be used on all PCs (via the Chrome and Edge browsers).The iOS version for mobile devices in now in beta.
This is the most user–friendly and industry–friendly music creating teaching tool on the market. Band Lab for Education is built to integrate with other services, so the music educators often use it to complement their existing suite of tools.
Band Lab for Education allows a win–win atmosphere for teachers and students, creating true ownership of music skills, achievement and life-long lovers of music.
Band Lab for Education is perfect for these pandemic times when the music and education must go on.