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Elevator Pitch


ppff, acronym for “pianissimo-fortissimo”, is a generative audiovisual installation where a MIDI player piano receives its musical information from an ever-changing rainfall of generative graphics.

Product Description


ppff – acronym for the musical notation “pianissimo – fortissimo”, is a generative visual music installation premiered at Barcelona’s “Gran Teatre del Liceu”.

Its main element is a player piano, a MIDI automated grand piano which can strike its hammers after receiving real-time music data.

This piano receives its musical information from an unorthodox source: an ever-changing rainfall of generative graphics, displayed on a vertical LED screen. When the graphics reach the piano position, they are transformed into MIDI notes thanks to a combination of custom softwares written in C++ (OpenFrameworks) and Java (Processing).

How It’s Innovative

at “ppff” the source of musical data is a cascade of generative abstract visual geometry. This results in non-canonical musical structures and harmonies, which build up a beautiful audiovisual experience

See MIDI Innovation In Action

Most Inspiring Use Cases

ppff is an artwork to educate, inspire and entertain

Expansion Plans

In the future we would like to explore the application of this software technology to other MIDI instruments, like pipe organs, synthesizers or digital plugins.


ppff is being showcased and exhibited in museums, festivals and art galleries around the world