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Elevator Pitch


MIDI-enhanced keyboard polyphony with real-time per-note multitimbrality. Imagine playing Bach, but now each voice has its own distinct timbre.

Product Description


Polyfluous is software that sits between a MIDI keyboard and one or more multitimbral synthesizers. When the performer plays on the keyboard, Polyfluous directs the incoming MIDI messages to synthesizer channels as specified in a score. In this way, one can play polyphonic music such as a Bach fugue and have each voice played with a different instrument.

How It’s Innovative

I believe it opens up new sonic possibilities for live performance.

Most Inspiring Use Cases

I’m not sure I understand the question, but I hope others will recognize the possibilities it offers and be inspired to create something amazing with it.

Expansion Plans

No plans at the moment.


No plans at the moment.