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3/9/2024 | 10:00 AM-11:00 AM| MIDI Association Youtube Channel

The Music Accessibility Standard NAMM 2024

MIDI Association members from Audio Modeling, Arturia, Native Instruments, and The Royal Institute for the Blind will discuss the Music Accessibility Special Interest group and their work to make music accessible to everyone


MIDI Association members from Audio Modeling and Sound Without Sight present the Music Accessibility Standard Special Interest Group and their work to make music accessible to everyone. Adapted from the ‘Future of Music Accessibility’ session at the NAMM Show 2024.

Link to sign up for the MASSIG: https://midi.activehosted.com/f/37

Link to Sound Without Sight: https://soundwithoutsight.org/

Video chapters:

00:00 Introduction by Athan Billias and Jay Pocknell.

03:03 Useful definitions.

04:14 Why is accessibility important?

05:37 Why design inclusively?

07:12 Inclusion in music-making: the current situation.

09:05 Breaking the loop: what we can do together.

09:48 Practical inclusive design tips from Tim Yates (Drake Music).

16:32 Which companies are already supporting accessibility?

17:37 What needs to happen next?

19:09 The MIDI Association’s Music Accessibility Standard.

25:13 Q&A with Emanuele Parravicini (Co-Founder, Audio Modeling).

43:26 Connect and sign up to MASSIG.