Keith McMillen combines Leap Motion and Web MIDI

Keith McMillen Instruments shared this short demo of gestural mixing, using their K-Mix programmable mixer, a Leap Motion controller and Web MIDI.
MIDI Gestural control really seems to be taking off recently enabled by wireless BTLE MIDI, improvement in gesture recognition technology and advances in sensors. In this case, KMI is using a Leap Motion controller and Web MIDI to do gestural mixing.
Leap Motion allows you to get a staggering amount of detail and data from the movement of your hands, fingers, and joints, but in this project, we’re only interested in three things:
1. which hand we’re using
2. what finger we’re using
3. is our hand is closed to a fistby ANDREJ HRONCO
KMI has a great series of blog articles about Web MIDI. Here is a summary and links to that series.

K-Mix API, Part 2 – Controlling K-Mix with Leap Motion and the Web MIDI API | Keith McMillen Instruments

K-Mix API, Part 1 – Web MIDI Control Surface | Keith McMillen Instruments

Making Music in the Browser: Web Audio/MIDI – Amplitude Modulation | Keith McMillen Instruments

Making Music in the Browser: Web Audio/MIDI – Envelope Generator | Keith McMillen Instruments

Making Music in the Browser: Web Audio/MIDI – VCO/VCA | Keith McMillen Instruments

Making Music in the Browser – Web MIDI API | Keith McMillen Instruments

Manipulating MIDI with Pure Data | Keith McMillen Instruments

Sequencing the SEM: MIDI to CV Conversion | Keith McMillen Instruments
Before you begin, make sure you have an SEM

Interfacing with MIDI Hardware Using M4L: The Meeblip Anode | Keith McMillen Instruments