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May 06 Macros, Baby!

A macro lets you string together multiple keyboard shortcuts into a single keyboard shortcut. For example, suppose you often quantize to 1/16th notes, with 50% strength, and like to add a swing factor of 52%. You can set up a macro so that after selecting your data, you do a single keyboard command and voilà—all three editing operations occur. Keyboard Maestro is probably the most common macro creator for the Mac, while AutoHotKey owns that distinction for Windows. However, you may not need a third-party program; some recording software (e.g., Cubase and PreSonus Studio One) let you create macros within the program.

Keyboard shortcuts save a lot of time, but creating some macros for your most-used repetitive operations will save you even more time.

Here are links to an article on how to create Macros in Cubase .


Creating Macros In Cubase : Ask.Audio

Macros are chains of actions that you can trigger with a single click or key command, and that can save you a bunch of time. Here’s how to create them in Cubase