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Elevator Pitch


Inclusive MIDI controller that enables music creation using typing-keyboards, MIDI-controllers, game controllers, eye-trackers, empowering diverse abilities with versatile MIDI control in education, therapy, and beyond.

Product Description


UniMIDI Hub is a groundbreaking software application designed to facilitate MIDI control across multiple platforms, making music accessible to individuals with diverse abilities. Developed in C++ with the JUCE framework, it offers seamless compatibility with both macOS and Windows. The software features an intuitive interface with customizable colored pads (ranging from 2 to 12 buttons per screen) that can be activated via standard or special input devices, including eye-trackers, typing keyboards, micro-switches and game controllers. Users can configure each pad with specific MIDI events, channels, notes, chords, velocities, delays, colors, and keyboard shortcuts, enabling comprehensive MIDI control and enhancing accessibility to music and sound creation.

How It’s Innovative

UniMIDI Hub revolutionizes the concept of MIDI control by prioritizing inclusivity. It allows users to express their musical creativity through everyday tools like eye-trackers, micro-switches, and game controllers. This innovation democratizes music-making, enabling individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities to participate in music education, therapy, and performance.

See MIDI Innovation In Action

Most Inspiring Use Cases

The most inspiring use of UniMIDI Hub is its ability to transform into a fully functional musical instrument. Users can perform solo or in ensembles, using adaptive technology to create and control music in real-time, fostering inclusivity in musical expression.

Expansion Plans

Our expansion plans include integrating additional adaptive technologies such as motion sensors and voice control, broadening the software’s accessibility. We also plan to develop an online community and support forum where users can share their experiences and provide feedback. Additionally, we will explore collaborations with hardware manufacturers to create dedicated controllers optimized for use with UniMIDI Hub, further enhancing the user experience and expanding our market reach.


Our commercialization plan involves developing partnerships with educational institutions, therapy centers, and accessibility organizations to refine and expand the software’s capabilities. We aim to secure funding to enhance the user interface, add more input device support, plug&play control with most DAWs, and develop a robust marketing strategy. Our goal is to release UniMIDI Hub as a commercial product within the next two years, making it widely available to individuals and organizations dedicated to inclusive music-making.