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High resolution MIDI controller

Elevator Pitch

High resolution MIDI controller

High resolution MIDI controller. Control your digital sound with a true analogue feel and don’t let anything interfere with the precision of your fingers.

Product Description

High resolution MIDI controller

Additional rules have been developed for dynamic thinning of MIDI traffic in conditions of insufficient channel bandwidth while maintaining the control logic. A special filter was also developed to obtain the position of potentiometers with 14-bit accuracy for popular microcontrollers. No special ADCs are required. The filter has virtually no effect on fast changes and very low output noise. On the currently used cheap MIDI controller with a 10-bit ADC, the noise level is only 1 bit (out of 14 bits output). It also does not require large computing capacity; for example, the current implementation processes 8 potentiometers with a frequency of 1500 Hz on a simple Cortex-M0 microcontroller. From which I conclude that any device can receive high-resolution support with just a firmware update.

How It’s Innovative

A look at MIDI transmission from a bandwidth-constrained perspective. Message priority rules can be established. In case of insufficient bandwidth, a certain algorithm allows continued operation without the need for reboots or additional actions like All-Notes-Off or Channel-Reset.
Additionally, I would like to suggest to always left align all data.

See MIDI Innovation In Action

Most Inspiring Use Cases

knob twisting for precision blip bloop adjustment)

Expansion Plans

Release of open source libraries. It would also be great to be able to refine all these works together with MIDI.org and release them as official guideline.


Probably searching for a company or startup that is ready to produce hardware with new capabilities. I’m an engineer, not a businessman)