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Evolve Your Sound


Audio Modeling’s purpose and research aims at finding solutions to enable the user to overcome the inherent limitations of traditional samplers, in addition to developing technological solutions, especially in software, that actively support musicians, composers, and producers in delivering their artistic expression. With solutions such as Camelot Pro, our revolutionary multi-platform live performance tool, technology ceases to be a hindrance and becomes an ally.

SWAM Engine (Synchronous Waves Acoustic Modeling) is a proprietary technology conceived by Stefano Lucato and further developed by Emanuele Parravicini. It combines concepts of Physical Modeling, Behavioral Modeling with the Multi-Vector/Phase-Synchronous Sample-Morphing technique.

Camelot Pro is an innovative multi-platform live performance application conceived by Simone Capitani. It allows to connect hardware and software plugins instruments, attach music scores and manage all in one place. Any scenes switch, setting the instruments sounds and scores displayed, as been performed with no sound interruptions, even through a remote control. 

Camelot is made by Audio Modeling in partnership with Fatar Srl, a leading company in the production of keyboards and MIDI controllers.


  • https://www.audiomodeling.com/
  • info@audiomodeling.com
  • Via XXV Aprile, 14
    20845 Sovico
    United Kingdom