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This document and the underlying specification is the result of extensive research and discussion by a group of hardware and software manufacturers to determine a base-line architecture which will support playback of “downloadable” sounds.

This document and the underlying specification is the result of extensive research and discussion by a group of hardware and software manufacturers to determine a base-line architecture which will support playback of “downloadable” sounds. It was the goal of this group to determine an architecture that would be similar enough to the majority of existing products to allow fast time to market, without sacrificing performance. The specification is particularly aimed at multimedia computing applications and platforms.

This document is in two parts. The first part describes the playback device architecture, and how device parameters will be defined. The second part describes a standard file format for distributing these samples. Recommendations are also planned for the protocol and messages to be used in creating standardized processes for initiating and managing downloading, so that applications, devices, and platforms can all be compatible.
File Name: dls1v11b.pdf
Category: DLS
File Size: 292.99 KB